AKC All Pointing Breed
National Walking Gun Dog Championship
Best of Breed Champion
Sweet Georgia Brown
A Frozen Semen Son of the Legendary Hall of Fame Inductee
3xNFC-RU FC AFC Hi-Scor Jac D' Ruffian
American Brittany Club Hall of Fame Inductee
American Brittany Club Field Trial Hall of Fame Inductee
1995, 1997, and 1998 National Open All Age Championship Runner Up Champion
AKC Field Champion and AKC Amateur Field Champion
1992 American Brittany Invitational Classic Champion
1993 American Brittany Club National Futurity Run-Off Champion
4x Southern Open Brittany Champion
1996 Blackwater Brittany Classic Champion
2000 Deep South Brittany Free For All Champion

Sweet Georgia Brown
Carter Brittany Kennel's Sweet Georgia Brown is the result of a much anticipated and thought out pairing of Carter Brittany Kennel's foundation female, AFC Bullet's Renegade Miss Megan and Hall of Fame Inductee and 3x National All Age Champion Runner-up, FC AFC Hi-Scor Jac D Ruffian. The result of the mating was a single pup delivered by elective C-section. He was as liver as liver could be so we decided to name him Sweet Georgia Brown with the call name "Charlie." Charlie was quickly adopted by our son Caden, who was two at the time, and referred to him as "My Baby" and held him for hours every day starting when Charlie was 5 days old. Charlie was a half sibling to Carter Brittany Kennel's NGDC NAGDC FC AFC Peter Gunn and NGDC FC AFC Baby Jane's BB.
Sweet Georgia Brown was broken steady to wing and shot at a super young age because of the strong pointing instinct he exhibited early on. We began competing with him in adult stakes late fall of 2012. Tragically, Charlie was lost in a training accident on 1/12/14 when he ran chest first into a sharp tree root that bulldozers left behind while clearing the woods where we trained at that time in preparing for 4 different hour stakes in which he would have competed at the end of the month. We believe Charlie was truly a national caliber dog destined to greatness. He sired 1 litter of 6 puppies just before his death. We have retained the 3 females to use in our breeding program as it would been even more tragic if the genetics of this great dog were lost forever.
Charlie's sire was 3xNFC-RU FC AFC Hi-Scor Jac D Ruffian HOF, who remains one of the great all age contenders of all time - even after 30 years. He won the 1993 American Brittany Club National Futurity Runoff, he took home first place at the Southern Open Brittany Championship 4 times, and was National Open All Age Championship Runner Up Champion in 1995, 1997, and 1998 and held the 4th place National Open All Age Championship title in 1994. Other major championship wins include the 1992 American Brittany Invitational Classic, 1996 Blackwater Brittany Classic, and the inaugural Deep South Brittany Free For All Championship in 2000. Throughout his career, he bosted 11 hour wins, 5x American Field Championships, 3x American Field Championship Runner-Ups, and 42 first placements of 104 career placements. FC AFC Hi-Scor Jac D Ruffian HOF is sired by Hall of Famer and 1986 National Open All Age Champion NFC DC AFC Marker's Jac's A Dan D.

AKC Field Placements and Awards
Sweet Georgia Brown

03/03/2012 Music City Brittany Club Open Puppy 4th
12/07/2012 Georgia Brittany Club Amateur Walking Gun Dog 2nd
02/09/2013 Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club Amateur Gun Dog 2nd
02/09/2013 Central Georgia Pointing Dog Club Amateur Limited Gun Dog 3rd
02/24/2013 Mid Florida Brittany Club Open Gun Dog 2nd
02/24/2013 Mid Florida Brittany Club Amateur Limited Gun Dog 2nd
05/02/2013 AKC Pointing Breed National Walking Gun Dog Championship - Top Brittany/Best of Breed
12/28/2013 Georgia Brittany Club Amateur Gun Dog 2nd
AKC Pedigree
Sweet Georgia Brown

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